Lost and Found Reopening

Things are looking up for 2021. With the vaccination rolling out, we are all hopeful things can start getting back to normal soon. It’s time to start thinking about what reopening to the public and an increase in traffic will look like. With this time to reflect, why not think of improvements that can be made to your business? You have a fresh start, now is the time to make upgrades to procedures and create a better customer experience. Start with Lost and Found.
Streamline Your Process
Lost and found is notoriously forgotten about. But, when your customers lose something, getting it back quickly and easily is so important to them. If your employees don’t have the information to answer customer questions, that gets frustrating. Get your employees on the same page by defining a process with our lost and found platform.
Utilize Available Technology
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that technology is vital for businesses. Save your company money and time by using available resources to create better systems. By using our cloud-based claims and inventory management platform, you will be able to significantly reduce time and resources spent on managing your lost and found.
Help Your Customers Help Themselves
Giving your customers the power to take matters into their own hands not only saves your employees time, but it also helps put your customers at ease. By putting your lost and found inventory on your website, you allow your customers to search through the inventory and file claims as soon as they realize their item is missing. Allowing customers to immediately take action removes a lot of the initial panic and shows them how your company is transparent and dedicated to helping.
Giving them the power to find their item and file a custom claim on your website, also saves your staff time. No more searching for matches and gathering proper information. Our lost and found platform does the majority of the work so you don’t have to.
Better Communication
We all agree, voicemails are the worst part of the lost and found process. Playing phone tag, trying to get all the information you need, staff members from different shifts trying to piece information together. It is a nightmare.
Pixit solves that problem with our communication feature. Employees can chat with the customer right from their claim, automatically logging all prior communication so anyone can pick up where they left off. Customers can reply any time of day and attach images to help prove ownership. No more phone tag, just communication that works for the staff and the customer.
Now is the Time
When getting ready to reopen and preparing for an increase in visitors, there is no better time to make these improvements. Your staff has time to learn new processes and can get trained up by our specialists on best practices before opening day hits.
Not to mention, our process is social distancing friendly as we are in a transition period. Read more about that here!
Our clients are so happy with their decision to switch to our lost and found platform, but we will let them speak for themselves.