Our platform, products and services are designed and built with our clients and their customers in mind. Here’s what our clients are saying about Pixit:
"Pixit has been a GAMECHANGER. This system is super user friendly, and it made the biggest difference in our optimization. It helped us keep track of our inventory and made “rummaging through piles” nearly nonexistent. I can’t imagine taking on lost and found without this great system."
Governors Ball 2021 - Kate
"Pixit has been instrumental in the optimization of our 2,000+ item Lost & Found. Having a one-stop-shop for all communication with our guests has saved us countless hours of chasing emails & voicemails, our operation can now be run by 1 person. Our staff love to use it and the user interface is so easy to learn!"
Atlanta Braves
"Pixit has surpassed all expectations and has really delivered for our guests. I couldn't imagine ever going back to the old archaic process we had before.”
Navy Pier - Brian Murphy, COO
“I just had to tell you how much I get a kick out of overhearing customer’s comments when they come in to pick up an item after finding their item online. The response is overwhelmingly positive with comments about how slick the website works, what a relief it was to see and know that we have their item because they were on our site after-hours.”
Salt Lake City International Airport
“If you are tired of dealing with lost and found, the perfect option is Pixit. I used to have to deal with so many calls and where to store all the stuff fans leave behind. We have been using the service for a few years, the update is even so much easier and intuitive. A must for anyone that has to deal with lost and found.”
Live Nation - Troy Stubbs | General Manager | The Depot

"Pixit is an invaluable resource as far as improving the time it takes for us to get an item back to a guest. Overall, as a repeat staff member, having experienced both pre-pixit & post-pixit I’d say that Pixit is a necessary component of Lost & Found for the festival moving forward. It allows us to considerably decrease the amount of time we spend attempting to pair a lost item with it’s owner, and it alleviates frustration on both the guest’s side, and the staff’s side, by allowing for transparency in a safe and contained manner."
Governors Ball 2021 - Tessa
"Since starting with Pixit, we have seen a surge in guest satisfaction. Guests don’t have to wait for our business hours as they have 24/7 access to our visual inventory, claim forms and chatroom. It’s allowed us to provide a much better customer service to our guests and get them reunited with their lost items quicker. I don’t think we could ever go back to the days of a paper log and a voicemail line."
Denver Zoo
“I just whispered ‘awesome’ to myself. That was easy.”
Salt Lake City International Airport
“I’m loving Pixit. The best part is losing the incoming calls. No joke our phones used to ring off the hook with 3 of us answering them. So thank you!”
Salt Lake City International Airport